Intermediate-Advanced Excel

About This Course

If you are a current Excel user but are looking to take your Excel knowledge to the next level, this webinar is for you. The instructor will cover terms and functions related to Excel that will help to make your work as a municipal tax collector more efficient and effective. Charts, sorting, subtotals, filtering, and pivot tables are among the topics that will be presented. Ever wonder if you could be doing more with your financial spreadsheets? This one-hour seminar will provide you with knowledge and practical advice that will soon make you the expert Excel user you know you can be.

Note: This is an intermediate-advanced level Excel webinar. If you are new to Excel or would just like a refresher on the Excel terms and basic Excel functions, please view the Excel for the Beginner webinar listed above before watching this webinar.

CEU: 1

Instructor: Katie Fesig, Controller, Zelenkofske Axelrod, LLC

Series: Tax Collector

General Ledger Code: PATH-VID-109


If you are a current Excel user but are looking to take your Excel knowledge to the next level, this webinar is for you. The instructor will cover terms and functions related to Excel that will help to make your work as a municipal tax collector more efficient and effective. Charts, sorting, subtotals, filtering, and pivot tables are among the topics that will be presented. Ever wonder if you could be doing more with your financial spreadsheets? This one-hour seminar will provide you with knowledge and practical advice that will soon make you the expert Excel user you know you can be.  CEU: 1