Ethics for the Tax Collector

About This Course

As a municipal tax collector, you have been entrusted by your fellow citizens to serve in their best interest. As such, you must always keep in mind that public office is a public trust and any effort to realize personal financial gain through your public office (other than compensation provided by law) is a violation of that trust.

Municipal tax collectors are subject to the provisions of the Ethics Law, which was enacted to strengthen the faith and confidence of state and local citizens in their government and to ensure that the financial interests of holders of or nominees or candidates for public offices do not conflict with the public trust.

This webinar explains the mandates of the Ethics Act as it relates to local public officials and employees. It also explores and defines potential conflicts of interest situations that public officials and employees should avoid. Actual scenarios referencing tax collectors are presented and discussed.

CEU: 1

Instructor: Brian Jacisin, Assistant Council, State Ethics Commission

Series: Tax Collector

General Ledger Code: PATH-VID-106


As a municipal tax collector, you have been entrusted by your fellow citizens to serve in their best interest. As such, you must always keep in mind that public office is a public trust and any effort to realize personal financial gain through your public office (other than compensation provided by law) is a violation of that trust.  CEU: 1